Learning-workshop 1 MappingKeyAreas

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imGoats project: Learning and reflection workshop

#imGoats project: Learning and reflection workshop-Udaipur, India, 2-6 July 2012#National Platform Meeting on Land and Water Management in Ethiopia-Udaipur, India, 2-6 July 2012Udaipur, India, 2-6 July 2012

Mapping the key areas of our work

(a) What are the key areas (b) What are the key challenges? (c) What are the key opportunities for the next phase?

  • Practical Guidelines (practical level of implementation)

- group form - process documentation - approach - breed improvement - management practices - IP formation (role of stakeholders) - marketing value chain - communal grazing areas (process/legislation/costs) - monitoring process (market info, linkages) - feedback to rest of goat keepers - knowledge of transfer process (IP - goat keepers/groups) - analysis for feedback & sharing @ different levels - role of goat keeper groups + IP platform in tech. transfer and market development

  • Strategic (process considerations at higher thinking level)

- OM usefulness & adaptation in 2 systems contrasting ----> lessons - high contrast systems: ext. based com dev/res pros/cons/learning - what is imGoats doing differently from other projects which contribute to our overall goals? i.e. what's new, innovative and could be wed in other projects?

  • Results/Impact of IMGoats

- what is imGoats contributing to development of life of people in our communities? - basic information of area: family, land, goat, population, breed management process - impact of imGoat project on sustainable development (environment & socio-economic) - behavioural change documentation

Discussion Kees: We're interested to know, how useful was outcome mapping, how has it being used in other countries? What is different about this approach compared to other approaches?

Baif: How can this project be a model for other initiatives across the country? Stage 1 is to make sure how the project has really contributed, Stage 2 is to see how and where it could be repeated.

Rajasthan Product: IP Process Doc Activity: Dessimination Workshop

Product: Posters (village level) Documentation of innovative practices

Product: Baseline reports Activity: Summary of findings (village, FG, Group meetings)

Product: Training modules (goat husbandry practices, managing information & communication)

Product: Guidelines (systematic approach to healthcare of goats, IP approach)

Mozambique Products 1. Baseline infosheet (ip) 2. Baseline factsheet (general audience) 3. Training modules for paravets (animal health & commercialization) [e.g. share with Oxfam Intern and others interested] 4. Manual to build improved shelter 5. Guide how to establish com. pasture areas (e.g. for other NGOs and associations) 6. Didactic materials for paravets to use in community (for producers) 7. Success stories for government & donors (TV + radio) 8. Peer-reviewed papers

Activities - Face-to-face meetings & trainings - Make available on internet (blog and other social media sites - internal communication)

Challenges - Lack of time - Availability of people (external and internal)

Jharkhand Products 1. Management practices/T.O.T. 2. Strengthening of IP Close interaction with traders & groups in select villages Information sharing about kidding

Activities 1. Strengthening of groups 2. Documentation of good practices 3. Preparation of leaflets/training material 4. Focus / meetings and training

Whole Group (all sites) Products We need to produce Technical Advisory Notes as a requirement of the donor; we plan to write three of them:

  • Use of OM and how it relates to M&E
  • IP and hubs (collective action): what models exist and what can we learn
  • Goat value chains and involvement of women (gender analysis)

We will use the same material as a basis for peer-reviewed publications, focusing mainly on processes and outcomes.

Challenge Short time frame to the end of the project so may not do and extensive impact analysis and focus instead on reporting of outcomes.

Things to think about

  • What can we learn from extension and R4D? Need to focus on the role of context of how the VCs are embedded
  • Produce a video

Engagement - Engage with OM community / learning community - Present IMGoats at ACIAR Workshop session on value chains (later this year -- Sept?) - Meetings / discuss differences and what has been learned