Learning-workshop 4 ToC GapAssessment

From imgoats ilriwikis

imGoats project: Learning and reflection workshop

#imGoats project: Learning and reflection workshop-Udaipur, India, 2-6 July 2012#National Platform Meeting on Land and Water Management in Ethiopia-Udaipur, India, 2-6 July 2012Udaipur, India, 2-6 July 2012

Revisiting our engagement activities

(Looking at progress markers and boundary partners for which we are currently trailing behind in terms of progress, what activities can we propose to improve our progress).


Production actors:

  • Strengthen the feedback mechanism between service providers and traders
  • Some more thinking needed!

Post production actors:

  • Strengthen the communication with traders:

Personal communication Information through mobile phones Hire services of local trader to facilitate market linkages

  • Acting on decisions taken at IP meeting

Depends on successful participation in goat fairs (depends on above actions)

  • We need to organize our market information (at producer level) and match with trader requirements

Input and service providers:

  • Organize refresher course for FGs
  • Train the FGs to organize market information and share it with traders (practical application during goat fair in coming months)
  • Feedback to be taken during group meetings and IP meetings.



  • Develop module on commercialization:

Simple, What is minimum number of animal that they could/should keep Business from goats ==> ILRI to develop + discuss with CARE (ext. work with farmers)

  • Continued interaction needed -- takes time

Interaction with farmers Also with traders. Maybe the demand is no longer there

  • Continue interacting with goat keepers (about importance of good goat husbandry practices)

Provide livestock officer to explain at IP the sanitary regulation and its consequences Also district livestock officer to discuss at meetings with paravets to raise awareness on teh need for AH care Post production actors:

  • Set up information sharing meeting between paravets and buyers (local) and exchange tel. number.
  • Project staff to keep exploring potential new buyers (further away)

Input and service providers:

  • Strong/close follow-up of paravet and retailer activities by extension officers

Enabling agencies:

  • Establish contacts between producers and private farmers for improved breeds
  • Invite interested NGOs (e.g. Oxfam) to visit field.